Molecular Dynamics
This code supports the training on Modern Fortran, OpenMP and OpenACC that I teach for LSU and LONI HPC users. This code is not for learning Molecular Dynamics (though I might use it in the future). Can also be used for a tutorial on Makefiles.
Take the original code and rewrite using Modern Fortran concepts learned viz,
- spit code into smaller subunits: modules, functions and subroutines
- generalize code so that the following parameters are read as input
- number of atoms or number of unit cells (you can't do both)
- simulation/equilibration temperature
- number of times steps
- you will need to make use of allocatable arrays
- use object oriented concepts such as
- derived type data types
- generic procedures and operator overloading
- Extra exercise: add another potential e.g. Morse potential for the simulation
Parallelize the code using
- OpenMP
- OpenACC
- CUDA Fortran (when I learn how to do it)
Code Description
- Original Code: md-orig.f90
- This is the original code that students need to to work on. The Objective is to modify this code using as many features as you have grasped.
- Modified Code: md-v1.f90
- This version splits the original code into many subprograms.
- Modified Code: md-v2.f90
- This version generalizes the size of the program, reads input parameters and uses allocatable arrays. Arrays are passed as explicit shape arrays.
- Modified Code: md-v3.f90
- In this version, arrays are passed as assumed shape arrays with intent attribute creating a need for interface.
- A module for calculating the potential and force is added.
- Morse potential is also added
- If this is final version, the only thing left for you to learn is Object Oriented concepts. Congratulations!
- Modified Code: md-v4.f90
- Derived Types for MD variables are introduced.
- Object Oriented Code : md-v5.f90
- Adds generic procedures and operator overloading to the md-v4.f90 code.
- If this is your final version, you have learned a lot of Modern Fortran Concepts. Congratulations!
- OpenMP Code : md-omp.f90
- Parallelize the md.f90 code using OpenMP directives.
- OpenACC Code : md-acc.f90
- Parallelize the md.f90 code using OpenACC directives. For this code to work, you need to have access to a machine with an accelerator such as NVIDIA GPUs and an OpenACC supported compiler such as Portland Group Compilers. It should work with Cray or CAPS Compilers but I don't have access to one.
- gfortran,
- intel fortran or
- portland group compilers
For OpenACC/CUDA, portland group compilers is required and a machine with NVIDIA GPUs (code is tested on NVIDIA Tesla M2090, don't have access to AMD GPUs)
$ make [option] [COMP=compiler]
- Serial : v{0-5}
- OpenMP : omp
- OpenACC : acc
- gfortran : gcc
- intel : intel
- portland : pgi
- IBM XL : ibm (Makefile doesn't work on AIX)
Input Files
- md.inp : Input file for version 2-5, openmmp and openacc (default potential is lj)
- : Input file for version 3-5, openmp and openacc
Serial Code
$ ./md{0-5} [<input, needed for version 2-5>]
OpenMP Code
$ OMP_NUM_THREADS=x ./mdo <input>
where x is between 1 and number of processor cores
OpenACC Code
$ ./mda <input>
Output Files
The code will produce output to screen, you can redirect output to a file and analyze the simulation temperature and energy.
$ ./md0 > md.out
The code also produces a file with atomic coordinates at each time step.
Visualization of MD Simulation using VMD
The VMD script, atom.vmd will read in the file and enable one to view the simulation
$ vmd -e atom.vmd
Alex Pacheco
Manager, Research Computing
XSEDE Campus Champion
Lehigh University
Material Developed as
HPC User Services Consultant,
Louisiana State University